Talkative People nofisa1

Sometimes such People are called to have a verbal diarrhea.What can you get from such people:

1.What the Talkative  could say might be True.
Such People  have "loose " mouth.Usually they burst when they see People around  in order to make their message intentionally  or unintentionally.The bottom of the line a misdeed has occurred.

2.What they say can be False.
It's not a question  of what you did is right or wrong  but the  "spices" which may be true but lies have been added.The main of these People is to destroy your reputation.

It is good to be married.In where I live there are women  in a certain tribe are very talkative.You as a man you must not respond to what she says.If you respond she will go outside the house and shout how stupid you are and open the can of  worms and  all the street bypassers would listen  and enjoy a free movie.Their reaction would be go on.Some would like to see who is the real starring.

We do find such people in different  countries.


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