The Sad Truth Part 1 nofisa1

No one owes you anything  in this world including your family,relatives  and even the governments.You owe it to yourself.The decisions which you take purposefully  or unaware are yours.All of us we were born free.

Early decisions 
Schooling was your decisions. Acquiring skills  to have a better was  your decisions.Developing your skills were of your decisions.Stubborness or Compliance was your decision.You adapted  to  your lifestyles, your creativity  belonged  to you. 
Personally,I was treated like  an orphan by my biological  parents.They were educated and had decent jobs  with a better salary.I was sent to a far school where the Owner was not paid with little or no money for me.The Apartment Owner had a vegetable  shop where I Voluntarily help her after school  then she incentives me with 1 packet of tomatoes,cabbage where I could sell or eat them in my room and free accommodation. I was at Mshadza Secondary School between 1975 to 1977 +_ 25 km .During holidays  I was not even asked I was just  wallop because  I was disgusting. It was better to be at school.That's I grew up.Next time I shall tell you more about my surprises.
Later Decisions
I had a profession which made my ife easier not rich.I did not hide from my past.
What to do?
It's not too late.The Internet have many skills like and its free you can make some few dollars or if you have enough  money you can forward this blog to the needy people.People like myself  ask donations because  I have  rendered a service. I'm not asking free money and it's voluntary. If you are pleased send  to https://paypal Me.Vuyo Makaula?country.xZA&locale.x=en_US or WU
Vuyo Makaula  Mbombela ZA


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