Interesting People nofisa1

We are living in a very interesting  planet with interesting  People.Actually if you are a journalist  or in media, you will realize that People want that you should write about what they  like.Thats why good news are bad news.

This World Luke's lies,gossip and hurting people through  sometimes revealing  the "truth" which I don't  dispute that.But what I'm against  is the exaggeration and adding some spices  of lies.

As I.mentioned before., we were raised in different ways.There are acceptable  norms like Greeting or smiling or any gesture of humanity. 
Well, there are People who don't  subscribe on that.
I believe helping people to live a better life.If great countries  from Europe, USA and South Africa keep on checking my blogs then I'm encouraged to contribute  daily.Only 1% which does not return and 10% does not donate at Makaula?country.x=en ZA&locale.x=en_US
That's how life is.


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