More hotter Posts nofisa1

More hotter  posts will appear  after this one.Please forward the coming posts  whether you are poor or rich or at least if you are rich send it to others.The sites will be:

Do you remember  Sad Truth Part 1 and 2? The coming  one is hotter.Here are the summaries: 
1.Sad Truth Part 3
How to live and survive with foreigners.Why the  foreigners outshine in every country.How  to learn from foreigners business.
2.Happiness of Others,Sadness of Others
The segments of societies in different levels.Why the struggling,poor society  always remain low.Which mechanism   could you apply to move out.Why the rich People are not always  happy which is dangerous for us all because  they can invest it in financial institutions  like banks ,
forex or Cryptocurrency  and we shall  lose jobs.
3.How would you like to end up?
It's a mystery question. I shall help to reach  your destiny.It will be up to you whether you want to walk  with me.
4.See How I got  Paid.
Do you remember  the link of  I followed  it to the latter.All the steps have been outlined.Its a job you don't  have to pay a dime.I was paid and you can too.
5.Creative Mind
Sites which will bring some money to you.They won't  make you rich but you can buy the basic food  which will make easy financial.If you can 
Sites which will bring some  basic food.If you can afford,please forward it to those who pull hard.
Until we meet again.


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