Sad Truth Part 3

Every country have  some  foreigners.Some foreigners are contributing fairly to the economy but some contribute crime.
Where I'm staying Mozambicans came with artisan skulls which included  building  houses,ceiling  fitting,furniture,  appliances,plumbing  while here we were taught to  be police officers,english teachers, nurses and to sweeping streets,unprofessional  gardening,house hold chores and working in farming and mending roads while the other sections of our communities were taught  Computer and Computer Upgrading,manufacturing, factory operations and  Factory Machine Mechanic,got business loans and support and owning retail shops with easy access to banks and when failed the then government  will pick them up.
Painfully, it's easy to open a business  if you are foreigner.There are many reasons for that.Some Officials are "accepting handouts" which makes easier to put an illegally  structure and operate in shacks and on streets.
The Law is interpreted differently.It depends whether you can afford a strong Lawyer.Otherwise  a person who's  got more money  wins.The  sad part are war torn countries  who  beg  for their life.
The Life of children and women  are severely negative.They should think about Future  and moreover facing the  Creator of which we going to face .


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