
Showing posts from 2025

Once shy, twice bitten

Do you remember that saying? Some of us don't want to learn from their past experience,doing the same thing. There are couple reasons for that 1.The situation comes  in different ways and you are not aware.An example of Gambling.When you put more money,you win less but when you put less you don't get anything. 2.You see others are winning and you think you can win or do what they do,then you get different disappointing results. 3.Don't gamble with your money or creating expensive friendship leave it. 4.Take my advice.This will make you -help you grow -money -health -time 5.Life is what we make of Lead your life don't make life to lead you.

Who drives the Economy

Money drives the Economy? Negotiations don't  drives the production. Think of all types of  capitals. The Center of any economy is the labourer which brings profits and growth. Everything start  1.Focused Labour 2.Well trained labour 3.Motivated Labour 4.Incentivized Labour 5.Openness 1.Focused Labour A Labourer must focused on his/her  responsibilities and give more energy towards their job 2.Well trained labourer The technology  needs  some adhoc trainings or improved products be finance, digital or phycal. 3.Motivated labourer A motivated Labourer gives improved product. 4.Incentivized Labourer  A Labourer who get the motivating bonuses,short holiday will do the job happily. 5.Openness Special meeting,open meeting once  month discussing the company thorny issues


This affects the whole world.Donald Trump initiated the  Tariffs not only for Mexico,Canada and China because he said USA was taken  for a ride. Any successful economy depends on the material and finance trading. Everybody ask why sudden change and kick the friends especially EU.Donald Trump  wants to make  USA great again and he believes he will win after firing the Federal Workers.Of course a donation can  be withdrawn  at any time but it will be noble to withdraw gradually. Which lessons can be learned? 1.Don't  fully Trust your Friend. 2.Try to be independent. 3.Help yourself. 4.A Human being is unpredictable. 5.Your Friend  might a friend of your enemy. Does it mean that you must trust any party coming from White House? They are all the same only differ  with strategy.Thanks to Donald Trump who opened our eyes. I don't blame Donald Trump or anyone.So what I see is to be creative and learn to survive on your own.The USA has babysittered t...

What will you say will map the way out

I still believe that your words may give you a success or failure.The first words or at least the first communication goes a long way. Most People don't realise that but some uses the introduction as a powerful weapon to achieve whatever they want. Why the First words are important? It is because they  -lay the foundation of what you want. -give what you expect or expected. -give the inner being of yourself. -give the other side which we did not know about yourself. Whatever you will say  shall be the source of reference.Even the first  ten seconds will be the source of reference. How are you perceived for the first time? 1.Your body  language, specifically your appearance like frowning eyes and smiling 2.The period which it takes.Especially the first 5 seconds to  a minute is very critical. 3.This will be followed by your words whether they are light or not. 4.The tone is the cement of all. Next: followed by Empiricalknow.blogs...

We are living in a strange world

What I have observed  seemingly everything is abnormal. -Children disrespect their parents,siblings not to mention the adults. -Races despise themselves not to mention the other Races. -People love money more than other fellow human beings.We murder,rape each other. -We  enjoy when one is poor not working. -We don't differ from wild animals. -We don't trust each other. The strangers and the  People we know are dangerous. Why do I mention all this? -Trust yourself. -Do what  can help you and others. -Visit  your roots that will be  your Religion  Christianity and Culture. -Have a positive mind  -Stay healthy. -Thank everyday and pray for each day and evening. -Ask God to guide  to appear in your Visions. Visit also: Topic: God is talking Forward this post to others.

Taking your Name Higher

Whatever  you are doing is attached with your name.Whether you misbehave,create, write,action, communication leaves your name behind. The next understanding is What are you doing presently? Does it put bread on the table? Who are you working with? meaning working alone or a group or with technology? There are things which we take lightly. We respect mildly people  who help us like nurses,teachers, transport drivers moreover the mineworkers,welders, builders,road constructors,pilots,captains, police officers and service People. Of cause we attach money. Some of us think that money is everything  which is partly true but money survives for a certain period that's why  the poorest  becomes rich with one lotto and the super  rich loses everything in just a week or even a day.We have an old Xhosa song which says: " lento ilivili iyajikajika namhla ndim kusasa nguwe lumkela ukwenza ngenkohlakalo" and repeated. Translation: lento= this thing  ilivili= (it's) ...

Living with People

Our Lives are influenced by  1.Ourselves 2.People around us 3.the kind of jobs/business we are doing 4.Age 5.Years 6.Health status 1.Ourselves People read from what you are doing.The simple meeting,smile,grimmy face and the dignity you show will make people  to respond. 2.People Around us There are informal standards which are set by the People around  you,hence they can isolate you or isolate yourself automatically.So,there are consequences  from each behaviour. 3.The kind of job/business  we are doing My father was a policeman. I was raised in extreme discipline. I had to walk like him,obedient and my friends had to be approved by him. I know of a friend who was raised by a Politician.He liked to argue and "force us" to  agree with him. 4.Age It depends on the environment you were brought up.Some people like that we must do as they did when they were young and expect those  of their age should do according to their age. 5.Years Each year brings a cer...

Labour Pains

I'm not a woman but women passed from labour pain so that you and me  can be born.Some die and mostly live. We,the children know little or don't  know that. What I mean in life there are certain pains which   we must pass through.We either become successful or fail or to expect  anything.The bottom line we should expect  a certain degree of  pain. Expected Pain as years passby 1.Job 2. finance or financing 3.Getting Food 4.Accomodation Planning with Pain 1.Business 2.Families 3.Education/Schooling/Skills acquiring 4.Having mutual Helping Friends and Colleagues 5.Paying Amenities/Services like Water and electricity. What about those who receive Social Grants from  the Governments and taxing the so-called  rich People. What do  Grant Receivers think? 1.Money comes from the Government. It will never be depleted. 2.Most of them are satisfied about they get. 3.Some  think about alternative income like  selling candies or cosmeticsTh...

Life in totality

What is Life in totality? 1.Healthy 2.Happiness 3.Small room of disappointment  4.Money which can sustain you. 5.Respect 6.Respectable 7.Balanced Food 8.Visionary 1.Healthy It will be exercising,walking and working. 2.Happiness Happy news, laughing especially giggling. 3.Small room  of disappointment  Contain yourself in order  not to be stricken by heart attack. 4.Money which can sustain you. Limit or manage your debts. Live according to your budget. 5.Respect Respect other People so that they can reciprocate Respect to you.Otherwise they can disrespect you.Remember they are in majority. 6.Be Respectable Your walk,greeting and words make you to be respectable. 7.Balanced Food Balanced food makes you to be healthy. 8.Visionary Visionary means you plan and move from one step to another one.

Don't be a Spectator,participate see a knowledgeable person is more dangerous than a millitary person. I want to empower  you with a knowledge. You may pocket $588 per upgrade. No monthly commissions. No yearly payments. And it  is FREE. What  does the above  offer contain? Software development  Multibillion dollar industry  Online business  Tools for creating websites Traditional business may find the available products are complicated Robust software was not heard  before. Any business which wants to thrive should go online. Online business is expensive


There are two basically types of surprises which make someone  happy or sometimes which may raises expectations but to lower the expectations or promises may have a negative impact especially when it was attached. The second one is embarassment. It is also a Surprise.This type of Surprise aims at Hurting  someone which most  of the time is the Revenge or trying to prove a certain point or show  some degree of  Superiority or Promising a Gloomy future. Both of these surprises are mostly shown in open audience so that they can be  Ambassadors as that will allow more and more publicity. Type of People who like surprises: 1.Relatives 2.Friends 3.Enemies 4.Accidental Communication/Incidental 5.Divine Surprise 6.Sports 7.Bar 8.Gambling 9.Blackmailer,known or  unknown  10.Workstation 11.Clothes tearing unaware in front of people.

What worries you the most?

I know there are many issues which may make you worried from your health, family, friends and moreover your finances.You cannot live without money because it supports your health  and NEEDS Your worries will be less when you PLAN. That's why the Debtors negotiate with you, when you are planning to pay.They believe  what you  say  unless you default. People  around may add to your worries. They  may give you a good or bad advices which may appear helpful and unfortunately most people take it positive and trustworthy. If you have insurmountable worries look at 1.People around you. How are they contributing into your Life? 2.Of course, unaware you may fish troubles. 3.Too much lies or trust  4.You are easily convinced. People are taking advantage of you. I have more advices depending on  your personality.You may take a special advice at Subject: Advice. Detail your Personality be love,money friendship and any problem.

How Free are you?

When do you see that you are Free? When do you see that your Friend is Free? Freedom means you must  have certain boundaries meaning respecting the freedom of others. Nowadays we experience the strange behaviour where one country does not respect the Freedom of neighbours.We have seen that on the northern hemisphere.Why? It is because they have the best weapons guaranteed by themselves and moreover they want monies  of the other through doubling the taxes. They are hiding secrets. Some under "Democracy". There are many 'lies' around.Some of these lies,we have to stomach them because they have 'Bigger' guns and faster Missiles. Interestingly  enough the Northern Atmosphere is populated with Religions but that has failed to quell the Violence. Actually the word Violence does not exist to them  How Free are you from your Spouse,  Children,at work, personal views and your Business