Bitter Truth 1:,Why God does not allow your Business to grow?

The Bible/ Koran wants the truth. All what is written is the truth.The traditional religions want also the truth.
Let me hit the nail:
1.You are lazy.
    (You don't do what my parents Chapters t
     told u to do)
2.You rely on the "sinners" who failed in the
    past businesses.
3.You opened a "church" business which relied on "wrong prayers" of business.
4. U have isolated yourself.U did not come to the broader  "church" business.
5.You  always sing a wrong "chorus" (advertising) the result is the discord.
None (clients) who want to hear such a tune.
6.U don't have any direction even when I give u the direction u listen the "wrong" church.
7.U always listen the wrong Bible.
Moreover u don't believe in the true Gospel.
8.U are  always found in the company of the
Someone has taken your blessing (hardworking ) and threw  it away under false future returns.
9.U didn't participate in the church in order to nourish your business skills.
10.U don't take the initiative. God will not come down,read for u the blog and follow all the Chapters which u skipped.
We don't live,breathe by luck.
11.God made u according to His image.
Believe yourself, then u will have way forward confidence.
12.U pray a wrong prayer.
"I wish that and that"
Life is not about wish but wish and do it.
13.U are not trust worthy in the church
     because the Chapters 1 to 19 were not
14.Way forward:
2.Read my previous blogs.
3.Do what these blogs say.


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