Chapter 19.Why is Horse racing loved by millionaires,hundrednaires

To answer that question:
Horse racing caters all the financial  activities of all kinds of walksa of life.
What is more hopeful it gives u a hope that one day u will have a good life.The painful side in our country horse racing is loved by
the people  who don't have work.
It is followed by these people who are struggling to make ends meet.Its a massive
industry which involves print,electronic media.Print media is the winner in this game .

Before u enter into this game u have to learn the game very well.
From my observation, the gamblers get a
minimum of 2/10.
Don't undermine or overlook that 2.
It depends on how much u have bet.U may
scoop $20.00 from $5.00 to them it is enough to Beters is more than enough.
The "players" are staying far from their residential areas.They have to pay for their
transport. They do cover each other and give a free donation for travelling and extra
returning the following day.
It doesn't matter even the other "player" doesn't have the money for the whole month or betting at loose.
SoThere's that hope that it cannot be more than 3 months.
This is the responsibility of a group.The whole  group donates.There's no leader here.The common sense is that the group is
is bonded by betting whether its a win or lose.
The only way here,is bet your horses and I will bet mine and we bet differently, who catches up supports the ones who lost in the
These are small groups defined by their locality.
Food,women not important to them.Only brown bread and water will be enough for the next 10 to 12 hours.
What happens in the  horse racing pan?
There are spectators on the pavilion who wear the best silk,wool with glamorous colours.
Most of these people are top businessmen and women decorated by well politicians.
They will attracted to u when u wore
those colours.
Everyone would think that you are millionaire.
Most of these people come with their girlfriends or "magnetic" warming up your
heart so that u can be confused and sign a million dollar contract not even understanding the content from fashion design,cosmetics,nail polishing,hairmaking to any influential position.
It is friendship and business.A mere $200 ticket can open doors for u.It doesn't mean that u have to pay for those fashion clothes. U just ask any fashion to lend u plus his/her
business cards.
U can also position yourself.
That's what we call networking or niche in the internet world.
It won't help u stay at home.
Take the following precautions:
1.Be informed as much as possible about the forth coming events from your local media.
2.Find,lend the suitable attire.
3.Some events need your contribution.
Voluntary contribution to the event may be
donated if acceptable.
4.When socializing read the atmosphere and the prevailing mood.Be a good listener and appreciate what is happening.
5.Don't dominate discussions with your loud voice,center of attraction. No one will do business with u.
U can have your sparkling wine on the pavilion with spare glasses pouring after introductions.
Control your smile and remember ask late what kind of business is your new companion belong.Remember again appreciate.Don't say bad thing about your companion's businesses.
Avoid to be Mr/Miss Know All.Pretend that u know a bit of his/her industry.
That's Horse Racing is loved by everyone.
U may work with the print media distribute
the pamphlets and the same distribute yours.


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