Chapter 15 Turn Around: Way forward: Bitter Truth 3

Be everybody's intelligentsia.
1.Try to contribute in your family positively.
2.Involve everyone,evaluate your  ideas.Let
them evaluate yours.
3.Find out nearby how do your friends help
their families.
4.Take a constructive leadership by listening, planning evaluating.
5.Don't discuss problems when u are  drunk.Don't run away from problems.
6.Oh please,control your anger.U can see
that from the facial expression of others.
7.When u make a joke,involve others  and
sometimes make interjections like "Is it a
joke, I did not think so"
9.Avoid to land u to arrest.
10.Don't involve to illegal activities.
11.Nobody can be nice to anyone.
     Find out the reason/s:
     "Why do u keep on calling me?"
12.Get a dignified work of your stature.
13.A Belief  should be u are an important
14.Make sure that u are not a"property" of someone.


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