Chapter 16 Skills of Thinking

A brain is a body engine. Everything u do,move, lifting up,sitting, laughing, anger is directed by the brain.
The problem is that u allowed the"foreign "
brain as it is called  brainwashing.
When the brain is dysfunctional either damaged,lazy to think the consequences are
In the business world,the brain is a very important factor.Your facts are coordinated
and produce a product which will be evaluated.
The brain formulates the ideas and that's what we call,thinking. Thinking is a process.
A normal person who wouldn't answer or respond haphazardly.
The facts are synthesized and processed.
A"big" brain will search what is available, the strength and stretch of the brain.
Thinking starts as early as six weeks old.The role of the role of the parents is very important is very important. The environment where the child grows is critical important to his/her brain development.
This can also be compared with the business environment which needs to be nourished. You must understand the environment which u are working with,its strength, limits future expansion.
Probably,all what I have said from above was thought,planned,coordinated, executed.It may happen u did not get everyty u want or u even won or lost some
If the profit was less how did u survive moreover how did u fail.
What was a long term recovery?
Let me take a very interesting story.
On the 16th December 2014,we were fixing my roof.The black/white female dog visited
male's neighbour's dog.
What was interesting  was that the female dog was surrounded by 6 male dogs.
2 black dogs,1 red dog,3 white dogs.
A black dog tried to come nearer the female and it was severely attacked by the 5 dogs and retreated.
I thought of chasing the rest of the dogs my companion advised me: "Let the dogs live the doggy  way."
After 5 hours the dogs left,only the white stayed.
This true story teaches us about the certain skills of business.
3.Be patient
4.Have all the options.
5.Compare,evaluate get the best alternative.
6.Embark on your project.
Until next time.Bye


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