Chapter 27 Customer Caring

It is not whether your product has brought some results or not,keep on emailing,phoning your customers. Just ask them about their families (although in other countries don't work.It works in Africa,East Asia and South  America and Islands).
Send birthday wishes and condolences if told.
Tell them that  you are one family.
From time to time wish them good luck.If u could  track their livelihood and give them about the possible solution.
Most if not all our customers are in dire need  of money.
Tell your prospective clients who paid u and those who  did not pay and even the bad and worse should be catered with.Show
them how to solve,budget their finances.It doesn't mean that they have to tell u.
The best timing is speculate the month trend.
Example,1 to 5 is  the 'better'  time of finances.It is when u could some offers.From the 6th to 15 its time to sell your idea.From 16th to 25th is a "dry time" and it is the right time to write about fondliness and affectionate.
Just like a farmer who prepares the land to
cultivate the land.
Tell your customers that life is not about money but is hardworking in other words don't be interested in the end  product but a human being is not a product of money.A man is made out of totality the brains,peace not  pieces of material things.
Just open up.

Let them tell u about their lives even when they use pseudonyms.
The aim is to help that person not exacerbate the problem
If u build a trust,surely people will trust u with their money.
U don't simple demand money from the people,but u build a trust and relationship.
That kind of relationship is going to last.U will even be able to pass your skill from generation to generation.
A Human being like animals need comfort,
caring and relationship.
We live with our fellow human beings.It is nice to get an email or phone call from a person who don't know.
It makes your body warm.
U suddenly have personal questions.
What  a surprise!
Why,is there still good people out there?
You see now its no more about u alone.It is u and the product.
Surely,next time u will be in his/her budget.
You are suddenly that good fellow.On the mind of your clients u will stay weeks and weeks.
Remember your client stays with other people it can be neighborhood, workplace,coffee shop,restaurant, Church or at any gathering your name and your brand will be discussed.
People believe in the word of mouth.
It is said for one person telling 10 people,six of them will enquire and four will buy and become ambassadors too!
Your business will expand.
The research has showed that people buy the name if it has been marketed regularly.
If even if it goes wrong, people won't recognize it.They can stand with u.
Big companies are spending millions and millions to build,protect their reputation. You and me don't have such money,but we can do something.
Don't even think to compete but emphasize
on the quality.
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