Chapter 34.Your Rights & Others to Selll

Most of the countries today do allow the small business to thrive.Some countries even supply capital and training.
We all kinds of businesses. Some are legal and others are illegal.
Let me make u aware about the illegal businesses so that u should not fall for it.
1.Untested drugs.
2.Tested and found out that the drug is illegal.
3.Unqualified  internet advisor who claim to be medical doctor,teacher,nurse,family advisor etc.
4.Some countries don't allow pornography on the internet.
5.Photographing a person,property, government property  without  a permission.
6.Teaching people how to make bombs, causing whether lies or truth which can hurt people whether u have evidence authorized or unauthorized.
7.Selling weapons without the permission of your country.
8.Cursing,Swearing whoever even overseas.
9.Starting negative debates,assisnating characters.
10.Interfering in investigations but not submitting to the party concern or to the authorities affected.
11.Planning social violence,medicating people about such events.
The list is endless.
Register your tax with tax authorities or at least enquire how many percents should u pay if u sold a certain amount.
Remember: Its a pay back time.Your government built a school for u.If u went to
the private school,the government paid the police to make u safe 24 hrs.Some people then paid them through tax.Its time to pay and pay to be procted including the national roads u enjoy!
Don't make loans!
Reduce your business to small scale.
Make sure that u can afford financial to run your business.
A.The Rights of your Customers:
To get quality work/blog/product.
To be respected.
To get correct information.
To speak openly.
B.Your Rights
To be respected.
To have a constructive critiscm.
(Not to be insulted)
Establish your business anywhere.
To speak positive and openly.
C.The Rights of your Government:
To search any premises including bugging
 your computer (why do u worry your business is clean even how do u make love and how long )including your business activities.
Your government can put surveillance.
You can be called to answer certain questions but not to be kicked.
D.The Rights of United Nations
Investigating money laundering. Exchanging money without proper job or transferring filthy money like stolen or similar actions.
UN is got a right to investigate your companies.
UN may handle any complaint if u have defrauded the citizen of another country.
A judgement may be passed on your behalf or misleading information.
E.The Rights of a Foreign  citizen.
Right to ask  u about your product.
To pay with their currency equivalent to what u cost.
To respect the trading laws of the country paying the tax of the country where you are
buying the product.
To live peaceful with the other human beings.
That's all folks.
Next blog:Are a Right Person to be in Business?
I will put u into the fire.If u don't know what u are doing u will be in ashes but thanks to me again some unburned coals and woods will remain where now you will
the big business fire which I will tell u how.


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