Chapter 29 The Influence of Buying Power

If u study the chain stores customer behavior especially those who specializes with clothes and shoes are having a special way of attracting us.
The advertising technique,acts as if they are better than ourselves. How do they outsmart us?
That is a good question. The answer is direct and precise. They put a lot of resources,studying our consumer behaviour.The research team  would analyze the social structure and behavior. The country's families structure is unpacked. The average family composure is
is mapped out.Each element is outpoured.
Generally, children between 1 to 4 years are in majority.That means what?
1.Clothing companies will thrive.
2.Toy companies for such children will do well.
3.Washing material soap,shampoo,glycerine
soap will benefit.
4.Medicine like cough mixture,skin medicine will make lot of money.
From the 10 years to 20 years are looking stylish clothes. This is the second big  business.
Let's not leave behind the unemployed.They
also the vital in the economy. The fact that the unemployed does eat,clothe and sleeps somewhere, it does mean they 'buy' it means a sales tax is paid.
What I'm trying  to say whether employed or unemployed  are economical.
The issue here as the topic says the influence of buying power will lead me to the study of your local customers study.
I will paint some scenarios.
There will no use to to have an expensive or costly cafe because the community around does not  earn much.
A cup of tea,soda water and eggs will be enough with exotic ancient furniture with six cups,a gas stove and either a very old lady with curly hair or young beautiful girl single who will company with young or old
men giggling all the way.
Indeed,there will be thirsty after fifteen fierce laughs decorated by local gossips lies,
half lies,half truths,sarcasms and play hero
like.Such is life.
You can start also comedy sessions and singing traditional dances and music.
The comedies should be traditional or attacking civilizations.
The power of influence of non paying customers give u a future thinking. There's that creative space which will grow u.
Just like myself the people who view my blogs are either government grant beneficiaries or belong the poorest churches or the poor of the poor of the poor of the poor of the poorest.
Why am saying that?
I requested $10.00 at Chapter 7.Only prayers I got and some very good clicks.
Till next folks,bye.


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