Chapter 36.Your Chapter 35 Results!

View your answers in either one or two format:
Question & Answer Structure
U supposed to number and answer as follows:
Section A Understanding the numbers
Question structure
( ) stands for mark weight.
1. Yes.                   1. No
2. More than
$1000.                   2.Less than $1000
3.$400 ( any
40% of no.3.         3.Less $300
4. $400.                 4.$200
5.Yes.                     5.No
6. 6 months.         6.less 6 months
7. 4 meetings.      7. 0-3 months
8.Yes.                     8.No
9.Yes.                     9.No
Total scores :
3x9= 27.                1x9= 9
OR mixed like this:
2.< $1000
3.Greater then $300
The score here is 3+1+1 etc.
Refer to the above guidelines.
Section B
Interpretation of your scores
Look at your total and compare with this table of interpretation:
0-50.       Business is not functioning
                Find an upgrade.
51-80.     Struggling Business
                Find a similar profitable business
                learn from such businesses.
91-140.   U don't give yourself time for your
                Give yourself overtime make sure
                all the units are functioning daily.
145-150. U are in the right place doing the
                 right time right business.
                 Just maintain your pace
These questionnaire can be given to your employees and your management too.
Section C
Set the agenda for these results.
Here is a sample Agenda
2.Chairperson's remarks
(Like poor scores congratulate those strong
3.Roll call
4.Business of the day
4.1 How to be productive
4.2 Find the areas of growth
4.3 Focus,focast the performance.
4.4 To make formal commitment
4.5 Possible future awkward turns.
      Mechanisms to combat the awkward
It is important to discuss this survey.
The more u discuss openly, the more fresh
 ideas are sifted.
 In business we address the exact issues
 exact problems.
1.What is happening with your business?
2.Not functioning
1.Not functioning in what?
2.In performance
1.Performance of what?
U see these are specifics.The long questions
are consuming consultant's time.
ThRemember the longer u prolong your response,the more u will pay.
U can't afford that u are a small guy.
If u want analysis of your business send me
$50.00 which is very cheap.
email to:
Subject: $50.00 Consultation fee.
I will send u my bank details.
Compare me with your local consultant. That to your consultant is paid hourly.
With me its a once off.
Next blog: Advertising


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