Chapter 18 Hiring Yourself

The unemployment is very high in every country. Literally, there are no jobs.Literally, the economy is down.I would say we think that we are the only generation which face challenges.When there was industrial revolution in the 17th century, the creative thinkers came out to make the lives of the societies easier.Wealth,money were not so much important that's why that generation was not selfish.What ever was invented it  was announced and  shared to the rest of the world.That made the inventors grew because there would new ideas which will
would improve the existing ones.
I'm going to enlist some opportunities which help u.Not much money will be needed but rather commitment. There are simple steps which u will follow.
Remember on the last blog I cited an example of  establishing an insurance agency. That can relate to banks and any
financial company or any  company  which operations in the similar way.
I will unbundle the Filming industry which consists  of many self job opportunities which can be practised in any country with small budget or with no budget.
This discussion will take several blogs.
Let's start from writing.
A Comedy is  a humour.A humour has a geat impact on relaxation of mind and it has potential of  idea absorption which is
dearly wanted by advertisers.
Primarily, advertisements if any impact should make the prospective relax and see
the possibility of buying  the product.
Here I shall  deal with the real comedy.
A question  is who  can make a comedy?
What are the comedians do?
Answer: They use any information to make laugh or impact and actual exciting.
Example of a non comedy;
Two boys were leaving the house.
Turn it to a comedy:
"There were two boys leaving but what left me with questions, was that  one of them had a squared head,and the other  one is had a circular head.I did not  know whether
the square could fit into the square or vice
versa.I did not know their name.Thanks  is
not Sunday today."
A comedy should be descriptive and 'degorative'.
Other  cautions when make a comedy.(otherwise u will be court of law for the defamation of character)
1.Use pseudonym in reference mainly to
people around or if possible don't mentioned the real state or province.
2.Have some aiding material like music,pictures  example a fat wife on top of
her husband's right leg: "No bar today darling"
3.Find out what makes your folks happy,especially when they are in  the
1.Family (child,father,mother)
2.Work (boss,colleagues)
4.Government circles
5.Politicians example:
"When I promised  I love my country, u did not ask me what I did I mean? I meant I love your tax,I loved the grant beneficiaries,
I love those who talk nice about me I loved
the elderly because they don't ask me many
questions especially  those which I don't like."
Your tone will be very critical in this instance.
U can see that  a comedy needs a special skill.
U can be my student at
Subject: Comedy
I will give u some lessons of which $25.00
(50 lines)
Another 50 lines where u can send me a drama which can be converted  to a comedy.That  will need $50.00 after 51 to 100O that will be $1.00 line.
Money can send to moneygram/western union or ask my bank details.
Next time I will take how to write  a tragedy.
Surely u can make living out of comedy or
write comedies and sell it to the  comedian or train comedies.
Yes u can start without any capital just getting  few talented people and do what we
call street comedy,then u can turn to my proposal of $1,00
Good luck!
Next time I will tackle the writing of tragedy. I'm a professional creative art teacher(drama,comedy, visual art) under SACE so its a professional information
tested by our government.
Have a confidence.


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