Chapter 20. Making a Horror/Thriller movie

The Horror movie can be acted as centered as one or many characters. It is usually supported by silent moves,which is the best
way of giving message.
Preparation of the horror film.
A moving table with no human.
How do u do that?
A large table cloth which covers all the sides of the table.
1.A Human is put under the table and the table 'moves'.The person under the table is
not 'visible' but it is moving.Drum beats for
20-40 seconds.
The glasses on the cloth are pulled sideways. The camera focuses on the movement not to the one who is actually pulling.
Bucket of water is poured on the window screen. The cameraman should focus on the
sound of water a 'window screen waterfall'
2.A man behind the curtain/shadow.The
camera must focus on the walking shadow.
3.Strange sounds/crying men,women.Discord/sweet singing.
The other examples are $5.00 ,(as numbered above)
Your 25 line horror script is  $25.00 obviously 250 lines is equal $50.00 etc
If u want that your script to be converted to
a horror movie then is the same rate as stated from above.
U can email me to:
Subject: Horror
Topic: My Movie:


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