Chapter X Special blog for Las Vegas

Everybody is important even your enemy is
also important. We need each other.If u study our uniqueness of each us,then u could see that God is great.
A Human being is irreplaceably. A machine or parts of machine can be replaced. Each
person have that treasure wisdom which u cannot find from anyone.
We are one citizen,we share the image of God.Perhaps let's remind each other outline
the importance of each of us, professionals,
Business people,poor,rich.
U need a poor for VAT or Sales Tax although
he/she is earning peanuts.
U need the rich to create jobs for us.
The government also loses revenue not to mention the families.
Up to so far,I have glued on my TV,I did not
cause of the motive of Las Vegas Shooter.
Now, even in the circle of the animals this does not happen or rare if it happens.It might be the discipline not more than that.This is very very foreign to human beings even in the animal circle.
It is very rare that the same species could
attack each other.
What kind of generation are we?
Did the Shooter want to be famous?
Is our religion, schools,friends,home education failing us?
This is for everybody economists, socialist,scientists in USA outside USA every
sane human being should condemn this.
Well,pass the message of condolences from
my deepest heart.Copy and send this message especially our fellow human being
at Las Vegas. You are my prayers daily.
Poverty, Richness should not overshadow our Humanity. Speak out when u have a
Life is flowered by beautiful women,children,handsome men,rain,grass,trees,heat,cold,minerals,water which is a source of life.
May the Almighty, comfort u,heal u,bless u.


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