Chapter 22 Marketing Your Work

I think u understood the previous blogs.Now u have your movie.The next big step is marketing and find markets.
If u have read the previous blogs  u were told about the process of making a film.The process is complete.
The bottom line u must know your audience. Let's take an example of a comedy. The America comedy is different from British comedy.Sometimes what is a comedy to others  it can't.
A Silent comedy can excite any audience in any country.
A verbal comedy which has been carefully planned can be acceptable.
You will be directed by the script which determines the type of actors,however u must have a descriptive addendum pages of
the characters. That will help the Recruiters.
U will need a partner whose got some capital.
When selling your product,u should start with small budget.Say,selling your videos of
10 locally then u increase the values to 10,20,30 etc.At the beginning u may struggle to get a capital or even a working capital. It is all by perseverance.
Don't stop looking for a partner. It can be a financial capital,marketing partnership or promotional.
Please note that your profit may emerge after a couple sales.
Remember u have to pay before the  for cameras,mixers,promoters,script writing.
The more u have less characters the more u will get a better profit.


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