Chapter 26 Good,Bad,Worse Clients.

How do u know the good,bad,worse clients?
A good client cooperates and seek some clarity.An average good client is the one who will order in small scale.He/She wants some commitment. If u have good promotional tools then your client will hang
round for a while.
A Bad client will always demand free gifts, but not buying from u.
I prefer that u should self manage your clients.
Buy a 192 notebook.Subdivide it to three divisions equally. Skip one page and write the good clients.The next bunch of  papers write the reliable clients.
The bad clients are written at the back.
U can put reliable clients on your computer. Don't waste the space.

Worse client won't even respond.
The third batch of clients are those who appear and disappear.
Say u sign an agreement with your client then showing trust u send all the training material,he/she decides to disappear.
U don't have any legal stand.That's what is called a risk in business.
The fourth bunch is the one keeping asking u about your but there's nothing coming out.
You see now.Business Literacy is important.
U will know what to do in  such instances.
Business Literacy simple means to create the opportunities for yourself or wait someone to create it for u. Ahh not in this world! Everyone for himself/herself.
Let's find out:
People don't buy product because
1.they don't see no need for your product.
2.the quality of your product is less,is not attractive.
3.your client base is very small. is from the town/city/country less recognized.
5.Appearing in small population.
6.your marketing skills are not convincing.
What is said above it can unfortunately find a bad person where a fertile ground
How do u know one is good,bad, worse client?
Observe this:
1.First time meeting (face to face)
   The mere greeting facial expression will
    set up the mood and tell u the direction.
    there will be a deal or no deal.U have to
    try to drive the horse to the river.
2.First time meeting (Phone call)
The nature of the tone,interjections and the skills of listening all play an important role.
3.First email
   The tone of the email like greeting, caring,promising should show these characteristics.
1.Second time meeting (face to face)
It is a follow up meeting guided by the first
2. Second time meeting (Phone call)
Communicate in relaxed friendly mood accepting tone
3.Second Email
It is a follow up showing trustworthy propose more cooperation and deeper understanding.
If u have any question ask at
Subject: About Good, Bad, Worse Clients
Next blog: Custom caring


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