Chapter 38.Secrets of Success in Business.

1.Your First Contact!
The prepatory ground work is critical important. Your first appearance, first email,first telephone greeting is important.
It will be followed by the first assurance or
promise which will to commitment.Your dress code appearance predicts negatively or positive to u.
The clients who are between 30 to 50 appreciate a blue or white colour when u address them whether your photo is on website.
There are secrets which u must know.
Secret 1
Give your clients a better deal for your clients.Put yourself in their  position.
Secret 2
Future in the product
Tell your clients that there are more people
who are joining.Use the statistic
Secret 3.
People like free products.
Let your clients use your product freely then ask them to give a report back.
Secret 4
Be strategical.
Decorate the word money with the word "donation'.It is easy to pay u when u say little donation can  be send to_______
Secret 5
Minimize your production factors so that u can pass the benefits to your client.
You creating the concept " u are reasonably
and cheap"

Secret 6
Learn from the ocean.
The sea waves will give a lesson of persistence in all direction.Your persisting communiqué is critical important.
The research says that 7 persistence contacts will produce positive results.
Secret 7
Learn from the plants.
Most of the  green plants don't have shade.They are exposed directly to the sun,wind,(air) rainfall,minerals in the soil
You must also with stand any pressure or wither with your business(of which we discourage)
Secret 8
Learn from your dog/pet
The pets are creating a jovial mood.
That's what is needed in the business atmosphere.
Secret 9
Learn from your Spouse/Close friend
Do u still remember the nice greetings from
your spouse,friend nicely decorated with
cherry words. When u use to call  my chocolate, my sugar,my spongy,my sheen sheen(sound of a moving car).
The clients need the same approach like:
Hi,Hi,Hi (warm greeting)
how are, u today? ( Note the punctuation)
Secret 10
Learn from your Parents/Family
Did u eat today?
In business terms
A possible equivalent mood question.
How does my product treat u (skin,liquid, medical orientated.
Secret 11
Learn from the money itself.
Who doesn't smile when he/she sees money?
People like FREE money or voucher.
Example I will give $20.00 when you can
negotiate on my behalf for anyone who will
join my Film Business and pays me $100
for Step 1.(of which its true,If interested I will send Forms.Get it from Subject:Film Business
Secret 12
Learn from your former school mates.
Do u remember sharing bread,fun.
Make your client your partner.Write such an email  assure him/her that u have selected him/her to the special program. Notanyone is part of this program.The reasons are u were the first to join from your country. (Sweet lies he?)Secondly,
since you from that it shows u are quick to make decision.According to me you are the
brightest person.(honey lies).I would like to
work with u and represent this wonderful
product because I want to work with clever
people.(lies at its best)
Caution: Don't write what is in the bracket.
I'm trying sweet lies not illegal lies are needed in the business.
The last secret which covers all the stated
secrets which u have read about is happy face which translates to happiness.
What is the secret behind happiness whether in business or not,
- makes your blood flow.
-eases your mind.
-the diseases literally are "pushed" away.
-pains like headache don't have much space.
Happiness emerges from reconciliation of
the state of one or more mind with a common point of understanding even if there are difference but they are acceptable to both parties.
Take care.
Till next time.


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