Chapter,24.How to make your business work

Before you commit yourself to any business, u must know your market,particularly the customers whom u are to sell the product.
U have to create an incentive plan.
1.The Free Offers are meant to build customer base.In the Internet incentives are
2.After u have established your client base,then u may start with low prices accompanied for instance buy  one get one
3 If u bring a client then u get two free.U must
also do your maths as this should not drain
u to spiral unrecoverable profit.It should be
be a temporary, recoverable profits.
4.Whatever plan should be sustainable and
also think about your long goals.
To do that,it will command human,financial, venue resources.
5.The time will tell u whether your efforts were fruitful or not.
There must be time indicators.
The fact that the prospective clients keep on
phoning or asking,means that u have a good
6.You must  formulate,analyze,before after your client questions and answers.
6.1 What  guarantee that this product will work/give me profit.
6.2 Is there any references like previous customers.
How did they react?
6.3 What is the potential growth?
Is the capital affordable?
6.4 Who are my competitors and how advance this are?
6.5 Expansion
Will this business expand here and overseas?
6.6 What will be the future of this business?

Since I have given u filming business as an example then I will answer those questions through filming  or service,insurance industries.
I'm responding to 6.1 to 6.5
6.1 People like filming,movies they are bound  to like.
6.2 Yes,I have scaled my filming industry to small business.
I wrote the business plan and shot some films., (samples available if asked)
6.3 The potential growth is massive.
Most big film makers don't  care about the
small commercial film makers.U see,there's a gap.Yes,u can close this gap and make a lot of money.
6.4 Nigerians have tried to advance in small
films.I'm promoting the local culture of which I beat them.
6.5 Expansion
Luckily, most countries undermine filming.
There are lot of opportunities found in the Internet.
6.6 In future,I will franchise my small business in filming which includes attractive scripting,characterization, shooting, marketing,self financing promotions all this will be $3500 payable in
5 instalments that will be in December 2017.For now is $2000.
Interested? Send it to
Subject: Small film franchising.
The next blog: Characteristics of your Personnel.
In summary there startling revelations about your personnel. Things which pull
your business down.I will show u how do u remove the weeds nicely.


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