Chapter 23 Branding your Business

The previous stats are telling me that my readers are hard workers.The only disturbing factor is the marketing factor.
Perhaps I should have highlighted first the branding side.
You see,no one will trust u if u don't trust your product.
The science of electric eyes says a lot. If u are male telling a female that "u love him/her" but not  looking him/her direct on the eyes will be unbelievable.
Good Liars are easily believed.

When promoting your product u must be a "product" itself. U see u can brand anything even an ordinary stone can be sold in millions.
Let's say you are auctioning the stone.You have to introduce the introduction itself.
"This is the best gem ever found in this country. It has a historical significance . Have History in your house.
Put this gem in your sitting room so that every visitor could see it.
You can have your own visitors' book which u can brag with and increase the value of this gem.(By this time u have caught the attention of  your prospective buyer)
Branding is about to be " known ".
It can take many years,months,weeks,days,hours, depending on the power of your mind and influence, convincing and magnetizing the buyer's money out of his/her pocket to your pocket.
Good branding works automatically but it needs some fuel like a moving car which takes u from one point to another point.
The culture of branding needs to be elevated from time to time as to match a particular generation, it should be dynamic.
At the same time u have to maintain your customers and convincing the new ones.
The buying power will tell u whether  there's a progress or not.
The next blog will be The influence of  Buying Power.


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