Chapter 37.Advertising

Advertising is a skill.
Why it so important?
Let's find the impact of advertising:
1.Your business will be known by the public.
2.It is the question of do or die.It is either your customers will buy or not.
3.An advert should be powerful. It should
stay on the prospective clients'mind.
4.A Powerful advert  creates innovative slashing sharp thinking but gearing towards one choice the product itself.
5.If u look generally adverts be they every where throw a  heavy big punch.Although the space costs,but the words and wording
are incurred in the expenditure.
6.An advert lures sympethatical to the consumers.
7.Planning an advert need a research.
When research is fine some compelling coercive factors are looked at such as
-the general life of that community particularly their lifestyle.
-it should be as closely, friendly, particular to anyone.
8.The experienced Advertising Companies throw lot of money to their sales men.
Amongst their strategies is allow the salesman to "fish around" some new ideas.
9.An "absorbing" approach  is played around.
Let's be practical now.
Your thinking revolves around your product.
Say u have a motivational eBook called:
Tracing your roots.
You have to give compelling why should the readers like your eBook.
In order  to make it "absorbed" by your Readers, u should give the importance of
Tracing the roots.
A starting point will be a questionnaire.
People don't like to read essays and proses
or even long sentences.
This world is too busy.U may start as follows:
"Tracing your Roots"
Chapter 1 (Summary)
There are very interesting behaviours which emerge from all of us.U will agree with me in our families we portray  happiness,anger as well as those who become sick.
We 'be got different skills in our families.
In the next Chapter,I will tell u about the
strength and weaknesses of your family.

Analysis of the above Chapter.
1.U have called your Reader your friend.
(Recognition, Appreciation & Humanity)
2."In our family, we portray happiness anger.(Understanding, closeness)
3."We've got different skills or profession"
(It shows,recognizes the family)
4."I will tell u about your strength and weaknesses'
(This is an advert on its own)
Next blog: Do u have a right blog?


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