Chapter 35.Are U a Right Person to be in Busines?

Take two pages and number from 1 to 50 like this:
4. etc
From  the multiple choice choose the number and it must look like this
10.3 (no.3 was chosen)
11. 1
12. 2 etc
Choose the answer which reflect what u do.
If u answer is Yes,how do u know?
Let me put these questions to u.
1.Do u evaluate yourself with money,material with your name?
2.How much do u have in the bank?
3.How many people do u owe?
4.How much do u owe these people?
5.Do u have any plan of way out?
6.How long will it take u to pay these debts?
7.How many meetings did u have last month?
8.Did u meet anyone outside the town for your business?
9.Are u a successful negotiator  in business circle?
10.How did u establish your business?
10.1 Yourself
10.2 Education
10.3 Family
10.4 Friends
10.5 Political connections
11.Did your school education help u to grow your business?
11.1 Yes
11.2 No so much.
11.3 No
11.4 Not at all
12.Are u free when u meet or see your competitors?
12.1 Yes
12.2 Sometimes
12.3  No
13.Do u see your business growing?
13.1 Yes
13.2 Sometimes
13.3 No
14.Are u working alone?
14.1 More than 5
14.2 3
14.3 Alone
15 Do u have job specifications
15.1 Yes
15.2 Sometimes
15.3 No
16.How did u employ your employees?

16.1 Vacancy advertising
16.2. Advertising & interviewing
16.3. Recommended by my friends.
16.4. Employed randomly.
16.5  Recommended by a consultant.
17.How did u determine the salaries of your
17.1 Commission
17.2 Basic salary+commission.
17.3 Undefined salary
18.Do u respect or recognize that at the end of the week/month your employees should get their salaries.
18.1 Yes I do recognize
18.2 I don't
18.3 I forget to  give them their salaries in time.
18.4 I become angry when I have to pay them.
19.When did your employees got salary increase?____ years ago.
19.1 10
19.2. 5
19.3. 3
19.4. I don't remember.
20.Do u discuss the well being of your employees?
20.1 Yes we do.
20.2 We don't
20.3 Sometimes
20.4 We will think about it.
21.Do u recognize your country's labour laws?
21.1 Yes I do.
21.2 I don't
21.3 I don't know whether my country does have labour laws.
22.How did u get the capital to start your business?
22.1 Family
22.2 Friends
22.3 Loans
22.4 Government
23.Did u make a research when u had this  business in your mind?
23.1 Yes
23.2 No
23.3 Loans
24.Did u consult those who run/ran this business before?
24.1 Yes  I did
24.2 I don't remember
24.3 No
25.Do u have any formal/informal business
25.1 Yes did
25.2 No
25.3 I don't remember.
26.Did u ask any help ,further advice when your  was profitable?
26.1 I did
26.2 I did not.
26.3 I don't remember
27.Did u ask any help when the business was not profitable.
27.1 I did
27.2 I did not
27.3 I don't remember
28.Where did u get the help?
28.1 Same people who run the kind of my business.
28.2  People who don't know this  kind of business.
28.3 I don't remember.
29.What does your business need?
29.1 Office
29.2 Open space
29.3 Office,Computer, Cellphone
29.4  I don't know
30 How many hours does your business need?
30.1 Less than 1 hour
30.2 5 hours
30.3  I don't know
31.Do u give yourself a holiday?
31.1 Yes I do
31.2 Sometimes
31.3 No
32.Besides,your employees salary do u give yourself  a___
32.1 salary
32.2 stipend
32.3 any amount u deem fit.
33.How much do u pay yourself?
33.1 5% of profits
33.2 10%
33.3 any amount I want.
34.Do u regularly upgrade your knowledge and experience of your business?
34.1 Yes I do
34.2 Sometimes
34.3 No can tell me
35 Do u have any opposite sex in your company?
35.1 Yes
35.2 Sometimes we have them
35.3 No
36 What kind of customers do u have?
36.1 Women & Men
36.2 Children
36.3 Women
36.4 Men
36.5 I don't know
37.Do u like your customers?
37.1 Yes I do
37.2 Sometimes
37.3 I like their money only.
38.Do u review your business performance?
38.1 Yes
38.2 Sometimes
38.3 No
39.When do u review your business performance?
39.1 Everyday
39.2 Every week
39.3 Every month
39.4 Every year
39.5 No.We don't
40.Do u meet with other businesses?
40.1 Yes we do
40.2 Sometimes
40.3 No we don't.
41.Do u put/share your opinion when u meet with other business partners?
41.1 I do
41.2 Sometimes
41.3 I just keep my opinions.
42.Do u apply what has been discussed in the meeting?
42.1 I do
42.2 Sometimes
42.3 No I don't
43.Does your business show some signs of growth?
43.1 Yes there are some signs
43.2 Sometimes
43.3 No
44.When the signs of growth are positive
44.1 Salaries are growing
44.2 I bank the profits
44.3 I buy whatever I like.
45.Was your business sued before
45.1 No
45.2 I don't remember
45.3 Yes
46 Do u have any legal business knowledge?
46.1 Yes formally
46.2 Informally
46.3 No
47.Do u consult the legal fraternity when u take legal actions ?
47.1 Yes I do
47.2 Sometimes
47.3 I don't
48 How do u finalize a decision in the meeting?
48.1 Vote and Authority
48.2 Vote only
48.3 Authoritatively
49.Do u work after hours?
49.1 Yes I do
49.2 Sometimes
49.3 No
50.Do u like your business?
50.1 Oh Yes I do
50.2 Sometimes
50.3 I don't.
Next blog:
You are going to score yourself.
I will tell u the meaning of your score.


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