Chapter 31.Blogs to come.Announcemens

1.Preparing Business Culture such as Business Environment, Business Philosophy, Business Religion and Business network.
2.Business in our Life time.
What do u need to make a good business today?
3.Your Rights & Others to sell.
Beware of illegal business.
Your rights,Rights of your government.
Rights of foreigners in your land.
4.Are u a right person to be in business?
Let me throw fire questions at your business activities.
5.Next blog will come with scores.You will come with gold or ashes.
6.Program of Action.
I have discovered the new way which this blog will function.
You see, u cannot eat the same menu daily otherwise u will have kwashiorkor and supplement with medication.
Eat the healthy, balanced food.
My research task is working very hard to help u.
Every month our blog will be structured as
Week 1
Stats report.
Which countries are supporting us ?
It is good that the advertisers should know.
Week 2
Advertisers blog.
U may send your advertisement at
Week 3
We will be motivating you.
Week 4
Internet Business  news.


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